We Are Double Rock Baptist Church

What is Our Purpose?

Our purpose is to seek and thereby save the lost (Luke 19:10); to bring the unsaved into the fellowship of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 1:9). We will seek to save, equip disciples, and train fellow believers to do the work of our LORD’s ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13).

What is Our Mission?

Our mission is to make disciples for Christ by demonstrating our love for Christ, others and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ’s birth, death, burial, and resurrection (Matthew 28:19-20).

What is Our Vision?

Our vision is the realization of God’s word and the continual practice thereof through prayer, praise, preaching, worship, and service. Our vision is centered around the impact God’s word has designed for us to have in the community we were planted in and through the people we are commissioned to minister to (1 Peter 2:9)…. therefore, we envision a church where all persons can experience the love and saving grace of Christ through word, worship and wonder. We envision the spiritual maturing of our members through a comprehensive Christian education ministry. We envision a church where each member is equipped for and engaged in life changing ministry. We envision a ministry where the spiritual, economic and social empowerment of our members and community can and will be met.